Book launch: Literacy Coaching in the Secondary Grades Helping Teachers Meet the Needs of All Students
Jade Wexler, one of the authors of "Literacy Coaching in the Secondary Grades Helping Teachers Meet the Needs of All Students" is joining us on Sep 1st to talk about why schoolwide models are necessary and lessons learned from implementing sustainable schoolwide models. She will also provide an overview of AIM Coaching.
Dr. Wexler, one of the authors of "Literacy Coaching in the Secondary Grades Helping Teachers Meet the Needs of All Students" is joining us on Sep 1st to talk about why schoolwide models are necessary and lessons learned from implementing sustainable schoolwide models. Dr. Wexler will also provide an overview of Adaptive Intervention Model (AIM) Coaching.
About the book

"Too many adolescent learners still struggle with reading. This much-needed guide shows how to support teachers in providing effective literacy instruction in the content areas, which can be intensified as needed within a multi-tiered framework" (Guilford, 2021)
- Reed, D. K., Wexler, J. J., & Vaughn, S. (2012). RTI for reading at the secondary level: Recommended literacy practices and remaining questions . New York, NY: Guilford Press.
- Denton , C. A., Vaughn, S., Wexler, J. J., Bryan, D., & Reed, D. ( Effective instruction for middle school students with reading difficulties: The reading teacher's sourcebook . Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.
- NCII tools charts: charts/overview
- Swanson, E. & Wexler, J. J.(2017). Selecting appropriate text appropriate for adolescents with disabilities. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 49 (3), 160 167.
- Swanson, E., Vaughn, S., & Wexler, J. J.(2017). Enhancing adolescents’ comprehension of text by building word knowledge. TEACHING Exceptional Children . 50 (2), 84 94. doi://10.1177.0040059917720777
- Swanson, E., Stevens, E. A., & Wexler, J. J.(2019). Engaging students in text based discussion within content area instruction. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 51(4), 305 312 .
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AIM Coaching is an adaptive intervention model (AIM) that applies a multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) framework to instructional coaching.
Too many adolescent learners still struggle with reading. This much-needed guide shows how to support teachers in providing effective literacy instruction in the content areas, which can be intensified as needed within a multi-tiered framework